
What topic inspires more interest and controversy than S-E-X?  Be honest with me here; how long did it take you to click on this blog tab?  The truh is we are ALL interested in sex on one level or another.  Some people because they can't stop thinking about when their next sexual 'fix' will be, others because they believe sex might possibly be the worst thing that ever happened to the human race.  A necessary evil perhaps, but still EVIL!

Let's make one thing perfectly clear people;  I think people who think sex is intrinsically bad or evil or wicked are... can I be honest here? - IDIOTS.

Here's why:

  1. Without sex people who protest the sexual act, the urge or deny the pleasure it causes would never have been born to voice their moronic views.
  2. Sex transmits LIFE.  It is therefore in harmony with nature's 'prime directive,' namely to "be fruitful and become many." (a Biblical quote for people who think anything not Bible-based is EVIL!)  Without sex, detracting prudes would have nothing to say about the subject because they would never have been born!
  3. Since humans didn't invent sex, must not the Bible thumpers and all those who believe in divine creation be finding fault with one of God's ideas?  Sure, sure, I've heard all the claims that humankind has corrupted the "purity" of sex, yada, yada, yada.  I'm not buyin' the Satan and original sin corruption angle.  Look at the animals in the field.  They do it when and where they please.  They just do what comes naturally to them.  Take your complaints up with the "BIG guy" or "BIG lady," as you prefer, and leave the rest of us to do what comes naturally.  You think sex is dirty?  Complain to the inventor of sex, God himself.
No, I'm not suggesting humans are the same as dogs, cats and the assorted aardvark.  Yes, we DO have a more developed sense of morality (not to mention those cool opposable thumbs!) but, religious freaks everywhere give me a break, OK?  Stop judging me and I won't judge you.  Deal?

(P.S.~ I was only kidding about not judging you!)